Political Boy /

Chee Soon Juan. The name itself, though carrying diverse connotations, still bears a certain weight in Singapore’s political sphere.

On the one hand, you have the political maverick who has been sued, bankrupted and even jailed in the course of his political career. An opposition leader whose actions in public have been perceived as rash, emotional and aggressive, and even criticized by his opposition peers.

Then, there is the Chee Soon Juan who was accorded the prestigious “Defender of Democracy” award by the Parliamentarians for Global Action. Even more so, he is a man who has managed to raise a family in spite of the political challenges which has marked his life for so many years.

As my team and I hark from a younger generation, much of Dr Chee’s past, his controversies, his victories and defeats remain slightly shrouded to us. However, a keen interest in local politics over the years, coupled with the power of New Media platforms, Internet forums, blogs and political websites, have allowed us to capture the essence of the man who is the current Secretary-General of a party that has been a mainstay of the opposition scene for more than 30 years.

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